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Text File | 1996-03-12 | 47.7 KB | 1,161 lines |
- Subject: Re: *********P6 200mhz BENCHMARKS********
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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- Message-ID: <313DC805.78F0@ademco.com>
- References: <4h39e3$cr0@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <wturber.8.00703EC9@primenet.com> <4h7icq$lbc@mother.bates.edu> <4hj7h4$i4m@steel.interlog.com> <4hk78n$1of@alpha.sky.net>
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0GoldB1 (WinNT; I)
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- X-Trace: 826132460/15433
- X-Nntp-Posting-Host: wsn37.ademco.com
- Date: Wed, 6 Mar 1996 17:14:45 GMT
- Lines: 48
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:14423 comp.graphics.apps.softimage:760
- Blaise Fanning wrote:
- >
- > In article <4hj7h4$i4m@steel.interlog.com>, gdavison@interlog.com says...
- > >
- > >While we're on the topic, could someone post the standard benchmark times
- > >for any Alpha-based system? Or MIPS, for that matter. Andy?
- > >
- > >I'm trying to cost-justify a move from 100Mhz Pentium's up to, uh, well,
- > >something more expensive ;-)
- > >
- > >TIA,
- > >
- >
- > You know that I lurk in the shadows, just waiting for someone to ask a
- > question like this :-)
- >
- > The following benchmarks are from the ...SCENES/BENCHMRK directory on a full
- > Lightwave install. Most of them were run by our Japanese distributor D-Storm.
- > The PPro200MHz numbers are taken from a recent posting on c.g.a.lightwave and
- > the 21164a/366MHz numbers come from my lab notebook. They are best viewed
- > with a fixed-width font (like Courier).
- >
- > In the last column, I normalized the speeds to a Pentium/100MHz by figuring
- > out the factor for each column relative to PPro and averaging the columns at
- > the end.
- >
- > Textures Dof Raytrace Zbufsort xP5/100
- > i80486/66MHz 1138 5173 45958 4679 sec 0.10
- > Pentium/90MHz 164 544 4499 411 sec 0.91
- > Pentium/100MHz 145 477 4276 386 sec 1.00
- > MIPS R4600/133MHz 133 473 3657 302 sec 1.08
- > Pentium Pro/150MHz 74 248 1940 211 sec 1.97
- > Pentium Pro/200MHz 56 188 1497 160 sec 2.59
- > Raptor3 Alpha45/275MHz 57 187 1550 152 sec 2.60
- > Raptor3 Alpha5/300MHz 28 91 877 111 sec 4.56
- > Raptor3 Alpha56/366MHz 26 87 781 83 sec 5.26
- >
- > Shameless plug: we just started shipping the 366MHz 21164a-based machines.
- > visit our 'web page for more information (http://www.dti.com). All of you
- > people who have 266 MHz Raptors should be looking to upgrade to 366, too :-)
- >
- > Blaise Fanning
- > VP Engineering
- > DeskStation Technology
- ----------------------
- Now I'd like to see a performance vs. $$$$ column(of course estimated prices) added to this.
- Article: 14424
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!hsno.wco.com!news.wco.com!not-for-mail
- From: lapdog@wco.com (Gary Helfrich)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.animation
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave?
- Followup-To: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.animation
- Date: 6 Mar 1996 17:12:47 GMT
- Organization: WEST COAST ONLINE, Inc.
- Lines: 30
- Message-ID: <4hkh2f$823@news.wco.com>
- References: <NEWTNews.825647681.16641.giorgioa@giorgioa.ix.netcom.com> <31368622.6BE3@osu.edu> <4h6uq9$l0e@news.cais.com> <4ha01t$53r@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <313d0105.14496374@news.alt.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: shell.wco.com
- X-Newsreader: TIN [UNIX 1.3 950824BETA PL0]
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:14424 comp.graphics.animation:32608
- Tim Krego (tkrego@norden1.com) wrote:
- : There are two catagories on the PC. Low end products (toys) like
- : trueSpace2, Extreme3D, etc. Then there are the production level
- : programs like 3DSR4, MAX, Lightwave, and Softimage/NT.
- I think that you should look at all of these applications as tools, and
- evaluate how effective they are based on their utility, rather than
- dismiss some of them as toys. I own a machine shop, and use trueSpace to
- produce manuals for our products. I need a quick and simple way to turn
- a cad drawing into a nice rendered still image, and trueSpace does this
- job quickly and efficiently.
- If I need to drill a few random holes in a mounting bracket,I don't use
- a $70K machining center, I use my Milwaukee hand drill. Is the
- Milwaukee drill a "toy"? No way. I do not consider any of my tools that
- I use to earn a living with "toys". Just because the Milwaukee cannot be
- programmed to copy a nurbs surface in steel within .0001" does not change
- the fact that it is the finest hand drill made. Come to think of it, how
- does Lightwave (or MAX, Softimage, etc.) do when it comes to real 3D? (i.e.
- making an actual object, not moving pixels around on a display)
- Another area where trueSpace is no toy is customer support. As a
- complete novice in computer graphics, they have bailed me out many
- times. I don't have any first hand experience with Lightwave customer
- support, but from what I have read in this group, it sounds less than
- great.
- Gary Helfrich
- Arctos Machine
- Article: 14425
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!zombie.ncsc.mil!admaix.sunydutchess.edu!ub!newsstand.cit.cornell.edu!news.tc.cornell.edu!newsserver.sdsc.edu!newshub.csu.net!csun.edu!hbrtv284
- From: hbrtv284@csun.edu (emmanuel olympia)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: have problems w/ modeler(newbie ?)
- Date: 6 Mar 1996 16:54:56 GMT
- Organization: California State University, Northridge
- Lines: 8
- Message-ID: <4hkg10$orf@dewey.csun.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: louie.csun.edu
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- whenever i do anything in modeler and load it into layout, what i get in
- layout is all screwed up. even when a take existing obj. and rotate them
- in modeler and then load it into layout, the obj are getting screwed up.
- it will have the form, but it will add superflous lines, etc. does anyone
- know what the problem is? thx.
- Emmanuel Olympia
- Article: 14426
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!usenet.seri.re.kr!news.dacom.co.kr!nntp.coast.net!oleane!pressimage!usenet
- From: druilhet@planete.net (Frédéric DRUILHET)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Do you have plugins ?
- Date: 6 Mar 1996 18:19:56 GMT
- Organization: Pressimage, France
- Lines: 6
- Message-ID: <4hkl0c$3og@unix.pressimage.fr>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: tou1-09.planete.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII
- X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.7
- Hi, I'm a new user of lightwave.
- I'd like to have some freeware or shareware plugins to learn more.tips accepted
- If you have some, you can propose them to me by mail.
- Thank you all
- frederic
- Article: 14427
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!fu-berlin.de!cs.tu-berlin.de!uni-erlangen.de!news.tu-chemnitz.de!news
- From: Joerg Gerlach <jger@hrz.tu-chemnitz.de>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: Fw: Which 3D program?
- Date: Wed, 06 Mar 1996 20:03:40 +0100
- Organization: TU Chemnitz-Zwickau
- Lines: 13
- Message-ID: <313DE18C.560E@hrz.tu-chemnitz.de>
- References: <N.030596.162232.52@#giorgioa.ix.netcom.com> <4hiqr3$ivf@diane.inforamp.net> <4hj5rg$c67@daily-planet.execpc.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: register.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de
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- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:32615 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:14427 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:13035
- > I have to agree with the above. Real3D was the first 3D program I
- > learned; in fact it was the first time I seriously used a computer and
- > even I got used to it before long. And since then I've been increasingly
- > pleased with the results I've been able to get with all its power and
- > options...it's a good program.
- And what does it cost? Would be very good, if you know the german price
- too.
- Thanx...
- Joerg
- -----
- Article: 14428
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news1.digex.net!news3.digex.net!usenet
- From: davep@access.digex.net (Dave Paige)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: ASCII object format for input to Lightwave
- Date: Wed, 06 Mar 1996 20:57:57 GMT
- Organization: Express Access Online Communications, USA
- Lines: 35
- Message-ID: <313dfa7a.1197281@news.digex.net>
- References: <DnHLIF.9A4@aston.ac.uk> <4h26hr$h8p@homer.alpha.net> <313DC054.41C6@vnet.ibm.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: dcc11780.slip.digex.net
- X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99d/32.182
- Wayne Baldwin <wbaldwin@vnet.ibm.com> wrote:
- >I have some model data on a unix system which I would like to convert
- >to something Lightwave can read. Is there a standard ASCII format that
- >Lightwave will read? If yes is there a spec or better yet some simple
- >examples?
- >
- >Thanks,
- >Wayne R. Baldwin
- >wbaldwin@vnet.ibm.com
- Lightwave's predecessor was a program called Videoscape 3D which, did
- in fact, use an ascii file format for objects. I believe the layout
- part of Lightwave can still read those files ( they had a .geo
- extension). The modeler portion of Lightwave, by itself, cannot. But
- there is a plugin for Modeler which will allow it to read Videoscape
- objects. So, even without the plugin you could load the objects into
- Layout and resave them to get them into Lightwave binary format.
- I don't know where there might be a document on the Videoscape object
- format (Ernie jump right in if you want). It was basicly a list of the
- points (X, Y, Z) and a list of polygons (each vertex referenced the
- above point list).
- Your're welcome to e-mail me if you like. I might be able to send you
- an object in Videoscape ascii format and in Lightwave format for you
- to compare.
- What format are your models in? There may already be a program to
- convert them available either commercially or via shareware.
- Dave Paige
- Alfheim Imaging
- dave@access.digex.net
- Article: 14429
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!btnet!zetnet.co.uk!usenet
- From: tran3d@zetnet.co.uk (Simon Blackledge)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Adobe Premiere + LW = problems!
- Date: Wed, 6 Mar 1996 11:11:15 GMT
- Lines: 22
- Message-ID: <4hkj0j$hjh@irk.zetnet.co.uk>
- References: <4hfa36$mbn@erinews.ericsson.se> <4hfkfu$172@darkstar.UCSC.EDU> <313cd211.1924216@news.digex.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: victoria.zetnet.co.uk
- > I get my animations to tape using the PVR.
- > Dave Paige
- > Alfheim Imaging
- > dave@access.digex.net
- And doesn`t it work well :-}
- --
- Simon Blackledge tran3d@zetnet.co.uk
- Creators of Digital Visual Effects
- -----------------------------
- -------------------T.R.A.N.S.M.I.S.S.I.O.N--3D/AV-----------------------------
- -----------------------------
- Article: 14430
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave?
- Date: 6 Mar 1996 12:48:28 -0500
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 49
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4hkj5c$bhl@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4hj6lg$l8g@ixnews2.ix.netcom.com>
- Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- AC wrote..
- ----------------------------------------------------
- The Lightwave development group has, of course, been developing quite a
- bit while we quibble about all this, and their policy has been to not
- announce any new features until they are absolutely ready.
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Okay, here's some controversial marketing advice - this is a really stupid
- policy, just as hurtful to LightWave in the long run as their ads.
- Pre-announcing features has very few downsides. One might be to give the
- competition advance warning of what is coming. In the case of a unique
- feature like Metaform, this MAY be a downside. Probably not, however.
- The upsides are considerable, and all based on the fact that it takes a
- LONG time for marketing messages to get into people's brains. It takes
- months from the time you start announcing features until people finally
- get your message. If you start the day you ship, it still takes months.
- See, as a manufactuer, you WANT users salivating over new features they
- don't have yet. You WANT people talking about the cool features that
- LightWave WILL have and promoting 'vaporeware LightWave'. If people are
- bugging you all the time, GOOD - you have a product people actually want!
- Just goodbye and smile.
- Right now, Max has a leg up in a number of areas and IT'S NOT SHPPING.
- That's marketing.
- My advice - start announcing features, NewTek. 'Sneak' some info about LW
- 5.0 out right away - it won't hit magazines for two months. Show it at
- NAB. Do a mail-out QUICK to 3DS users with a cheap competitive upgrade
- price (like $495). They want to buy something now - this is about the cost
- of a plug-in. Plus, Max will apparently be able to use LW as a rendender,
- play that up - who cares why they buy it? Sell it, man.
- Why did this 'mareketing through secrets' policy happen? My guess is that
- it's an attempt to make up for the ship date problems - but this is NOT a
- ship date problem...don't announce a ship date if you don't want. If you
- do announce, do it by quarter or season or half years.
- At least DO SOMETHING to market LightWave....please.....
- _____________________________________________
- Lee Stranahan
- URL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/main.htm
- Article: 14431
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.sprintlink.net!lily.redrose.net!john
- From: cdurham@xspot.com (Chuck Durham)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Lee and his threads.
- Date: Wed, 06 Mar 1996 21:09:54 GMT
- Organization: a Digital Internet AlphaServer Site
- Lines: 68
- Message-ID: <4hkvin$o2n@lily.redrose.net>
- References: <4haus2$n2a@sue.cc.uregina.ca> <4hbjfa$8l7@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: d48.redrose.net
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan) wrote:
- >Okay...
- >1) If you don't think that you can change things by posting criticisms
- >publically, then why are you posting your criticisms about me publically?
- >Oh, I know! Your public criticism of me is your opinion, mine is a
- >vendetta...
- >2) I don't spend most of my time insulting other people. I tend to have a
- >lot more meat than fat in my posts. Now, read what's posted about
- >me...people feel no compunctions about saying anything they want to me.
- >(The one case recently where I was VERY insulting was in the case of Brad
- >Parscale - check his initial post to me and see why.) In the case of Tim
- >McHugh, I spelled out a lot of facts...
- >3 ) But facts aren't relevant to you. Well, they are to me. I like facts.
- >4 ) If you don't want to know these things, please don't read my posts -
- >you can exercise that choice. Spare yourself the agony. By the way, the
- >newsgroup never gets 'full' - it's not a zero sum game; therefore my
- >posting never keeps anyone from discussing other things.
- >5 ) I don't carry on threads by myself. Other people do respond - please
- >review Area 51's pathetic 100% fact-free responses to my posts for an
- >example. Maybe it just seems like others aren't responding...
- >6 ) I know some others agree with what you've said. A bunch of people are
- >'uncomfortable with my methods', to quote Col. Kurtz. A bunch of people
- >like my methods and think I'm a good balance to the 'Hey, life is
- >wonderful and everything is fine!' mentality. I tend to get 'go get 'em!'
- >mail in private and 'You suck' mail in public.
- >7 ) I can deal with the fact that you don't agree with me, Shane. I hope
- >you can deal with my continued presence here, discussing issues that I
- >think are important.
- >_____________________________________________
- >Lee Stranahan
- >Q : What do BBQ and better sex have in common?
- >A : Lee's new and improved home page!
- >URL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/main.htm
- I've been following along quitely with all your posts Lee, Shane
- brought up some valid concerns but I'd like to take a look at some of
- them from a different angle. I've only been a Lightwave user since
- last Nov., I have been doing 3D graphics and following most of the
- news groups for a while, but I am rather new to this group. I have
- actually learned alot, not about the lightwave product, but some of
- the players involved in the use and future of Lightwave & NewTek.
- Which I feel is important and what other place is there for the
- discussion of these topics.
- I'm hoping to hear more lightwave (use of the product oriented)
- content from your posts, but I must admit reading your presentation of
- facts from your side is intriguing and I continue to follow along on
- your threads to expose the facts about Lightwave, etc.
- Chuck Durham
- Imaginative Entertainment
- cdurham@xspot.com
- http://www.imaginative.com
- http://www.xspot.com
- http://www.xspot2.com
- Article: 14432
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave?
- Date: 6 Mar 1996 17:09:56 -0500
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 23
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4hl2fk$hfg@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4hjcd7$pre@cloner3.netcom.com>
- Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- ----< I'm a
- >betatester, I work with the bleeding edge stuff stuff daily, there are
- >cool things on the horizon. So hold on to your horses!
- >
- >AC<----
- >Don't you know that disclosure of your status as a beta tester is part
- >of your NDA?
- >GT<<---------------------------------
- Since GT knows the terms of the NDA, he's obviously a beta tester...so he
- just revealed that HE he a beta tester, which violates the NDA......
- Run rings 'round you logically...
- Lee Stranahan
- (Brackets Misbrackets)
- PS - Me, a Beta Tester? Hahahahahahaha!!!! R. Sting-Lee may be in charge
- of the Beta Program for all I know!
- Article: 14433
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!uunet!in2.uu.net!svc.portal.com!news1.best.com!nntp1.best.com!usenet
- From: pfinch@best.com (Phillip Finch)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: Wed, 06 Mar 1996 22:13:41 GMT
- Organization: Best Internet Communications
- Lines: 62
- Message-ID: <4hkr2l$6qh@nntp1.best.com>
- References: <4hev63$jq0@news.nstn.ca> <4hjfsu$ofg@news.accessone.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pfinch.vip.best.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- jeric@accessone.com wrote:
- >> what@do.you.want. (bob's yer uncle) writes:
- >> Max does these things in REAL time. With TEXTURES and transparecney.
- >> Not to overly slag Lightwave, it IS a good product, but the major difference
- >> will be the speed of either products. MAX will be much faster to use.
- > That last sentence triggered my bullshit detector.
- > Why don't we wait until it actually SHIPS to see how fast it is.
- > BTW, it's really hard for ANY product to compete with vaporware, so
- >let's just see what we shall see, eh?
- Granted, it's not *really* real until it's in my hands and installed
- on my hard drive. But enough people have seen demos, and used and
- talked about the beta, that I think it's safe to say that whenever Max
- gets into general distribution, it will, at the very least, have a
- real-time rendered display with integrated modelling and animation.
- That alone will just about guarantee faster work, compared to using
- the LW wireframe/bounding box display and separate modules for
- modelling and animation.
- How much of an improvement depends on your level of expertise.
- Really experienced LW users have learned to work around the
- limitations of the display, to some extent. So they don't require as
- much feedback as others. They can punch in a few numbers on a
- procedural texture and almost always get close to what they want,
- first try. A really expert user can glance at the dumb solid-face
- display in modeller and know what it's going to look like in a
- rendering. But I can't--not with a complex and detailed object,
- anyway. (I did a human caricature figure using Metaform last week, and
- my mouse hand is starting to go numb from invoking PowerView. I used
- to laugh at Carpal Tunnel Syndrome...not any more).
- Even the time saved in not having to swap objects between Modeller
- and Layout will add up.
- Being able to keyframe deformations and tweak morph targets in the
- middle of an animation setup, and immediately seeing the rendered
- results, will make an even bigger difference.
- Then imagine how useful a real-time display will be, compared to a
- mesh, when those morph targets are as subtle as a grin or a raised
- eyebrow.
- For most us, this kind of capability is going to be an incredible step
- forward.
- The question is not whether an interactive rendered display will make
- work faster, and easier. The real decision is whether to go for it in
- Max now or wait for LW 5.0. (Yeah, I'm pretty sure that 5.0 will have
- OpenGL support for the display. PowerView didn't come out of nowhere.
- Besides, where else are they going to make big changes? Aside from the
- display, they've just about run out of really significant features to
- add).
- Article: 14434
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!chi-news.cic.net!newsxfer2.itd.umich.edu!gatech!swrinde!news.uh.edu!uuneo.neosoft.com!usenet
- From: David Forbus <forbus@gie.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Background images in modeler? any tips?
- Date: Wed, 06 Mar 1996 15:12:20 -0600
- Organization: Gulf Interstate Engineering
- Lines: 26
- Message-ID: <313DFFB4.167EB0E7@gie.com>
- References: <4gvsap$cv0@pipe10.nyc.pipeline.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ipx025.gie.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (X11; I; SunOS 4.1.2 sun4c)
- To: "MICHAEL C. LING" <mikeling@nyc.pipeline.com>
- MICHAEL C. LING wrote:
- >
- > I started to use bg images in modeler and I've been finding that they take
- > a large amount of time to draw or re-draw onscreen, about a minute or two
- > on a pentium 100, at one-quarter of a 1600x1280 screen. Every time I
- > re-center, or resize or magnify/demagnify, I have to wait for my work area
- > to re-draw. Is there anything else I can do BESIDES going to lower
- > resolution desktops and smaller windows in modeler?
- >
- > --
- > M C L -
- Are the images you are using 24bit? Modeler only needs 8bit grey scale,
- if even that. Reduce your color depth by using another image manipulation
- program.
- Another method of transfering bit map images to 3D models is this:
- Create a single rectangular polygon in modeler. Subdivide the polygon untill
- it consists of thousands of polygons. Go to Layout, load this object. Load
- your image. Apply the image a displacement map. Save the object as
- transformed. Load the transformed object in Modeler and do a Boolean
- intersection with the object and a box. Depending on the type of image you
- are working with, this can be very quick and effective.
- Article: 14435
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!chi-news.cic.net!newsxfer2.itd.umich.edu!gatech!swrinde!news.uh.edu!uuneo.neosoft.com!usenet
- From: David Forbus <forbus@gie.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Texture Map ?
- Date: Wed, 06 Mar 1996 15:21:57 -0600
- Organization: Gulf Interstate Engineering
- Lines: 24
- Message-ID: <313E01F5.2781E494@gie.com>
- References: <4h5nga$7f3@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ipx025.gie.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (X11; I; SunOS 4.1.2 sun4c)
- To: MRucht <mrucht@aol.com>
- MRucht wrote:
- >
- > A LW texture mapping question?
- >
- > I have a sphere with spikes protruding from it and want to
- > have the tips a sort of steel yellow blending into a violet gray
- > of the sphere itself. I cant figure out what method of mapping
- > would allow me to ramp colors from the outside to the inside of
- > the sphere.
- >
- > A plea to the experts.
- >
- > Thanks for any help,
- >
- > Mattias
- I heard a trick for creating gradiants by using a checkerboard color
- texture and using the texture falloff. Use the center of the sphere
- as the texture center and adjust texture falloff to fade between the
- two colors. The texture size should be larger than your object.
- Morphing is not necessary. I would have to try it myself to get all
- of the details worked out.
- Article: 14436
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!chi-news.cic.net!news.compuserve.com!news.production.compuserve.com!news
- From: Chuck Baker <76004.3350@CompuServe.COM>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Help Find Lee Stranahan a Job!
- Date: 7 Mar 1996 00:14:48 GMT
- Organization: NewTek, Inc.
- Lines: 44
- Message-ID: <4hl9po$cvs$1@mhadg.production.compuserve.com>
- The guiding factors in changing from TIO to Translator 3D were indeed what
- is best for our customers, and what is best for business, in that order, and
- in this case there was no conflict between the two.
- The decision was made with some reluctance, due to the longstanding
- relationship that NewTek and Syndesis have had, but for good reason.
- The elements involved:
- 1) Extensive side by side testing of conversions of a wide variety of 3DS
- and other format objects demonstrated better conversion by Translator 3D,
- with no instances of missing polygons and better preservation of surfacing.
- 2) Dan Milling, the programmer, is employed by NewTek, and located here, and
- thus can work directly face to face with managers and other programmers in
- updating the product and integrating it more tightly with LightWave, and
- we can be more responsive to user requests with this situation.
- 3) Yes, the option was also what management folk like to call "more cost
- effective."
- Taken altogether, the LightWave product manager and the team felt this change
- was best for our customers, based on current performance and future
- potential.
- We certainly hope that Syndesis continues successful, even though this chapter
- of our relationship is closed.
- Mr. Foust, speaking as manager of our online services, I hope you will take the
- time sometime to visit our BBS system, because you'll see that we are well
- aware that other developers are of major importance to our customers and to
- our own product line. If you visit the LightWave discussion section, you will
- find an area there which third party developers use to market and support their
- products. In the LightWave file section, you will find an area for Third party
- demo and information files. If you would find this venue useful in
- marketing and supporting your products, you'd be very welcome.
- The BBS phone number is 913-271-9299, and the telnet address is bbs.newtek.com.
- --
- Chuck Baker NewTek Tech Support BBS
- NewTek Inc. Modem: 913-271-9299
- Technical Support Online Services Telnet: bbs.newtek.com
- Article: 14437
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.inc.net!news.uoregon.edu!news.islandnet.com!news.islandnet.com!not-for-mail
- From: dretch@islandnet.com (Christopher Stewart)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Date: 6 Mar 1996 15:57:14 -0800
- Organization: Island Net in Victoria, B.C. Canada
- Lines: 29
- Message-ID: <4hl8oq$d5d@islandnet.com>
- References: <4hk49o$92f@newsflash.hol.gr>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: islandnet.com
- In a message dated 6 Mar 1996 13:34:48 OSMACH@HOL.GR writes:
- Take a look on the web for lightwave related material. There's my
- "Lightwave 3D Techniques Search Engine" at
- http://www.islandnet.com/~dretch/lightwavetips.html
- and other resources including windows based tutorial collections out
- there. My new pages (soon.. ) will list all these resources and more..
- Stay tuned..
- Christopher
- **********************************************
- Primordial * Christopher Stewart dretch@islandnet.com * Graphics
- Soup * http://www.islandnet.com/~dretch * WWW
- Animation * Home of the Lightwave 3D Search Engine * Training
- **********************************************
- * Offline Orbit 0.73c *
- Article: 14438
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!purdue!yuma!holly.ACNS.ColoState.EDU!not-for-mail
- From: tschrein@holly.ACNS.ColoState.EDU (Tony Schreiner)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Preferred method for curves?
- Date: 6 Mar 1996 18:11:42 -0700
- Organization: Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523
- Lines: 20
- Message-ID: <4hld4e$328u@holly.ACNS.ColoState.EDU>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: holly.acns.colostate.edu
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- I curious how other Lightwave users create rounded corners, since almost
- all "household" objects have them.
- When the rounded corner is small, I can get away with a small bevel on
- the side of the object and turning smoothing on in Layout. Rounded parts
- that are larger or require more detail are more tricky. Sometimes I use
- subdivide and metaform, moving the subdivided polygons near the edges
- before I metaform so that I don't have to divide it as many times, but
- this is hard to do on complex objects. I've also tried
- cutting spheres and cyllenders apart, but that is very tedious on
- complex objects.
- Are there any simpler ways to create rounded edges, or do I have to just
- stick with what I am already doing?
- --
- ...........................................................................
- : Tony Schreiner : 2 + 2 = 5 for large values of 2 :
- : tschrein@holly.colostate.edu : INTP. TKD. Major: Computer Science :
- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- Article: 14439
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!uunet!in1.uu.net!news.alt.net!usenet
- From: tkrego@norden1.com (Tim Krego)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.animation
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave?
- Date: Thu, 07 Mar 1996 01:26:44 GMT
- Organization: pro.image
- Lines: 15
- Message-ID: <313e3ade.94841745@news.alt.net>
- References: <NEWTNews.825647681.16641.giorgioa@giorgioa.ix.netcom.com> <31368622.6BE3@osu.edu> <4h6uq9$l0e@news.cais.com> <4ha01t$53r@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <313d0105.14496374@news.alt.net> <4hkh2f$823@news.wco.com>
- X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99d/32.182
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:14439 comp.graphics.animation:32645
- On 6 Mar 1996 17:12:47 GMT, lapdog@wco.com (Gary Helfrich) wrote:
- >: There are two catagories on the PC. Low end products (toys) like
- >: trueSpace2, Extreme3D, etc. Then there are the production level
- >: programs like 3DSR4, MAX, Lightwave, and Softimage/NT.
- >
- >I think that you should look at all of these applications as tools, and
- >evaluate how effective they are based on their utility, rather than
- >dismiss some of them as toys. I own a machine shop, and use trueSpace to
- >produce manuals for our products. I need a quick and simple way to turn
- >a cad drawing into a nice rendered still image, and trueSpace does this
- >job quickly and efficiently.
- For you application trueSpace2 works, but doing a few illustrations
- for a catalog is not the same thing as production level animation.
- Have you ever tried to use ts2 for animation? Very limited.
- Article: 14440
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.exodus.net!news.alt.net!usenet
- From: tkrego@norden1.com (Tim Krego)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.animation
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave?
- Date: Thu, 07 Mar 1996 01:28:42 GMT
- Organization: pro.image
- Lines: 13
- Message-ID: <313e3b6f.94986653@news.alt.net>
- References: <NEWTNews.825647681.16641.giorgioa@giorgioa.ix.netcom.com> <31368622.6BE3@osu.edu> <4h6uq9$l0e@news.cais.com> <4ha01t$53r@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <313d0105.14496374@news.alt.net> <4hkh2f$823@news.wco.com>
- X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99d/32.182
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:14440 comp.graphics.animation:32646
- On 6 Mar 1996 17:12:47 GMT, lapdog@wco.com (Gary Helfrich) wrote:
- >If I need to drill a few random holes in a mounting bracket,I don't use
- >a $70K machining center, I use my Milwaukee hand drill. Is the
- >Milwaukee drill a "toy"? No way. I do not consider any of my tools that
- >I use to earn a living with "toys". Just because the Milwaukee cannot be
- >programmed to copy a nurbs surface in steel within .0001" does not change
- >the fact that it is the finest hand drill made. Come to think of it, how
- >does Lightwave (or MAX, Softimage, etc.) do when it comes to real 3D? (i.e.
- >making an actual object, not moving pixels around on a display)
- Are you referring to output for CNC machines? I consider MAX and
- Lightwave 3D visualization packages. If you want CAD accuracy I would
- use AutoCAD, Cadkey, Pro/E, etc.
- Article: 14441
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!agate!darkstar.UCSC.EDU!usenet
- From: Adam Chrystie <adamchry@cats.ucsc.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Do you have plugins ?
- Date: Wed, 06 Mar 1996 17:41:07 +0000
- Organization: University Of California at Santa Cruz
- Lines: 10
- Message-ID: <313DCE33.38AF@cats.ucsc.edu>
- References: <4hkl0c$3og@unix.pressimage.fr>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: tsa-23.ucsc.edu
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0GoldB1 (WinNT; I)
- To: Fr=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E9d=E9ric DRUILHET <druilhet@planete.net>?=
- There are some plugins at ftp.newtek.com directory
- plugins...there is a shareware anime shader there.
- There are also some renderman shaders floating around the net at
- this www site
- http://www.cs.monash.edu.au/~sams/LightShade/LightShade.html
- Adam Chrystie
- Article: 14442
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!swrinde!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!decwrl!purdue!yuma!holly.ACNS.ColoState.EDU!not-for-mail
- From: tschrein@holly.ACNS.ColoState.EDU (Tony Schreiner)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: User Interface: was Re: MAX or Lightwave?
- Date: 6 Mar 1996 18:34:30 -0700
- Organization: Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523
- Lines: 36
- Message-ID: <4hlef6$sag@holly.ACNS.ColoState.EDU>
- References: <4hgbrd$pn7@news.accessone.com> <4hi2mq$ehq@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: holly.acns.colostate.edu
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- Stranahan (stranahan@aol.com) wrote:
- : Well, obviously I like LW's interface. Max has some nice real time
- : feedback stuff, particularly in terms of modeling....
- : The interface I wish LightWave would emulate a little more is actually
- : Photoshop - I like the idea of floating pallettes (particularly ones you
- : can 'tear off') and I really like how customizable Photoshop's interface
- : can be. IMO, the buttons and text in LW are too big right now...make 'em
- : smaller and allow the user to view the light panel, camera panel, surfaces
- : panel and view all at once...if they want...
- I disagree. In 1024x768, the buttons and pointers are too big, but
- photoshop annoys me because I keep having to move windows to see what I
- am working on. I like to view the image as large as I can and at the
- same time keep the tools I most use out on the desktop. Photoshop
- doesn't always let me do this.
- Back on the subject of user interface, I've been trying to fight
- Alias/Wavefront 7 for quite a while now. The buttons look pretty, but
- navigating in the wireframe views (rotating, zooming in and out, panning)
- is a pain (and I use Alias on a 200 MHz Indigo2 with a 21" monitor and
- ~150 meg RAM). I'm sure it has a lot of features, I just haven't been
- able to get past the interface yet.
- I haven't been using ANY 3D software for very long, so I'm not just "used
- to Lightwave." It was just so much more intuitive that I was instantly
- productive. The interface is simply more intuitive.
- --
- http://holly.colostate.edu/~tschrein
- --
- ...........................................................................
- : Tony Schreiner : 2 + 2 = 5 for large values of 2 :
- : tschrein@holly.colostate.edu : INTP. TKD. Major: Computer Science :
- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- Article: 14443
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.sbt.net!news.ia.net!jupiter.planet.net!earth.planet.net!tlisanti
- From: tlisanti@earth.planet.net (Tony Lisanti)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Memory BUG?
- Date: 7 Mar 1996 01:53:59 GMT
- Organization: Planet Access Networks - Stanhope, NJ
- Lines: 8
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <96020402544830@FrontierTech.COM>
- Reply-To: tlisanti@earth.planet.net
- NNTP-Posting-Host: nutl29.planet.net
- X-Newsreader: SuperHighway Access 2 for Windows Version 95.11
- Ive heard that lightwave has a bug in it that wont let you use extended
- memeory (INTEL) Is this true? I'd hate to order LW and install only to find my
- 24MB cant be used. Or is this a problem that was fixed already?? HUH?
- Tony
- Article: 14444
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!purdue!yuma!holly.ACNS.ColoState.EDU!not-for-mail
- From: tschrein@holly.ACNS.ColoState.EDU (Tony Schreiner)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Good 3D Images?
- Date: 6 Mar 1996 18:46:43 -0700
- Organization: Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523
- Lines: 19
- Message-ID: <4hlf63$1im0@holly.ACNS.ColoState.EDU>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: holly.acns.colostate.edu
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- A while back someone mentioned that pictures created with Lightwave
- always seem better than with other programs. They questioned whether it
- was due to the author or Lightwave.
- I can routinely be found searching for 3D graphics on the web, and most
- of the best pictures I've found have been created with Lightwave or
- Povray. Every once in a while I'll run across a really good picture
- created with Alias or unnamed programs, but generally the bulk of the
- good stuff is LW or Povray.
- I'd like to hear about some good 3D graphics sites, particularly those
- with images NOT created with Lightwave (LW images are so easy to find!
- <grin>).
- --
- ...........................................................................
- : Tony Schreiner : 2 + 2 = 5 for large values of 2 :
- : tschrein@holly.colostate.edu : INTP. TKD. Major: Computer Science :
- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- Article: 14445
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.flinet.com!news1.inlink.com!usenet
- From: jstratmn@inlink.com (Joe Stratmann)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Hypernauts?
- Date: Thu, 07 Mar 1996 01:35:26 GMT
- Organization: inlink
- Lines: 8
- Message-ID: <4hldua$2uf@news1.inlink.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: slip21.inlink.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- I just read a post in another 3d graphics newsgroup about a new show called Hypernauts (I assume his
- spelling was correct) with the CG effects from Lightwave. What day does this show air and on what
- channel?
- Thanks
- Joe
- Article: 14446
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Hypernauts?
- Date: 6 Mar 1996 23:34:11 -0500
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 7
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4hlp03$rm4@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4hldua$2uf@news1.inlink.com>
- Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- ABC - Saturday Mornings...
- _____________________________________________
- Lee Stranahan
- URL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/main.htm
- Article: 14447
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!van-bc!unixg.ubc.ca!rover.ucs.ualberta.ca!news
- From: marc <marc@www.terranet.ab.ca>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: programming plugins
- Date: Wed, 06 Mar 1996 21:40:20 -0800
- Organization: University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
- Lines: 6
- Message-ID: <313E76C4.7065@www.terranet.ab.ca>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: terranet.terranet.ab.ca
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (Win95; I; 16bit)
- Hi, I'm having trouble creating light wave plug ins. I have the
- light wave include files and some sample code. But I'm not sure
- how to compile it. I have Watcom 10.5 and BC 3.1.
- Thanks,
- Cameron Tofer
- Article: 14448
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!ix.netcom.com!netnews
- From: wmendez@ix.netcom.com(William A. Mendez )
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: PPRO or ALPHA
- Date: 7 Mar 1996 04:46:31 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 17
- Message-ID: <4hlpn7$cpu@cloner3.netcom.com>
- References: <4hldua$2uf@news1.inlink.com> <4hlp03$rm4@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ix-jc6-09.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Wed Mar 06 8:46:31 PM PST 1996
- Hello All,
- I currently own an ALPHA 233 and wish to upgrade My motherboard, My
- question is should I go with a 300MHZ ALPHA or a less expensive upgrade
- PP200.
- Also can My Lightwave license be transfered over to INTEL?
- 2nd Question:
- Is there anyone out there that has the pleasure of working with a
- Raptor as well as a DEC board, that can verify if there is any
- performance loss with the Raptor machines.
- Thanks!
- Will
- Article: 14449
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!news3.digex.net!access4.digex.net!erniew
- From: Ernie Wright <erniew@access4.digex.net>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: ASCII object format for input to Lightwave
- Date: Thu, 7 Mar 1996 00:26:52 -0500
- Organization: Express Access Online Communications, USA
- Lines: 41
- Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.960307000221.6034B-100000@access4.digex.net>
- References: <DnHLIF.9A4@aston.ac.uk> <4h26hr$h8p@homer.alpha.net> <313DC054.41C6@vnet.ibm.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: access4.digex.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
- In-Reply-To: <313DC054.41C6@vnet.ibm.com>
- Wayne Baldwin wrote:
- > I have some model data on a unix system which I would like to convert
- > to something Lightwave can read. Is there a standard ASCII format that
- > Lightwave will read? If yes is there a spec or better yet some simple
- > examples?
- LW will read Wavefront .OBJ and AutoCAD .DXF files, both of which have
- ASCII flavors. If you want to write a converter yourself, and your
- main goal is to move the geometry, LW also reads the object format of
- its predecessor, Videoscape, and this format is particularly simple.
- Here's a pyramid (square base, triangle sides):
- 3DG1
- 5
- 0 2 0
- 1 0 -1
- -1 0 -1
- -1 0 1
- 1 0 1
- 3 0 1 2 7
- 3 0 2 3 7
- 3 0 3 4 7
- 3 0 4 1 7
- 4 1 4 3 2 7
- The first line is always "3DG1". The second line gives the number of
- vertices. Each vertex is listed on its own line. This is followed
- by the polygon list, one polygon per line. Each polygon line begins
- with the number of vertices, and this is followed by that many indexes
- into the vertex list, which is numbered from 0. The last number on
- the line is a color code.
- The best way to use the color codes is to use a different number for
- each surface. When LW loads a Videoscape object, the surfaces will be
- named, e.g., "Videoscape code 7". It's easy enough to rename this and
- set the surface properties to whatever they should be.
- - Ernie
- Article: 14450
- Path: news2.cais.com!mcbones
- From: djmccoy@pacificnet.net (Daniel J. McCoy)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: FS: DPS PC PAR w/ 1GB Micropolis For Sale
- Date: Thu, 07 Mar 96 06:31:04 GMT
- Organization: Capital Area Internet Service, Inc.
- Lines: 23
- Message-ID: <4hlvk3$4vg@news2.cais.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- X-Newsreader: News Xpress 2.0 Beta #0
- Having bought a used PC PAR last week thinking I could put it to good use
- under WindowsNT, I made some interesting discoveries. First, no NT software
- until April. Second, I've only got one ISA slot that can accomodate a full
- length card and that slot is already accomodated with a card I can't easily
- replace that has similar features and support. As such, I must sell this PAR
- and make way for a PVR.
- The PAR is perfect for the hobbyist or professional who wants to dump full
- screen animations to any NTSC device with good quality and 30 frames per
- second (or 60 fields per second). Right now, only DOS/Windows 3.11 software
- truely works (NT beta software IS available but NOT recommended until the real
- release from DPS is available (for free)). Being purchased used, I received
- no manual for this device but it's really easy to install and go.
- For $1000, you'll get the PC PAR, DOS/Windows 3.11 software (Beta NT software
- if you wish to chance it but again, NOT recommended!) and 1GB Micropolis 2210A
- IDE drive shipped to you via UPS ground/COD (cash only) (extra if you wish an
- alternate shipping method).
- If you're interested, e-mail djmccoy@pacificnet.net.
- Thanks,
- Dan
- Article: 14451
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.wwa.com!dbr
- From: dbr@wwa.com ()
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Lee and his threads.
- Date: 7 Mar 1996 06:35:14 GMT
- Organization: WorldWide Access - Chicago Area Internet Services
- Lines: 12
- Message-ID: <4hm032$euq@kirin.wwa.com>
- References: <4haus2$n2a@sue.cc.uregina.ca> <4hbjfa$8l7@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4hkvin$o2n@lily.redrose.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: shoga.wwa.com
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- Chuck Durham (cdurham@xspot.com) wrote:
- ...
- : I'm hoping to hear more lightwave (use of the product oriented)
- : content from your posts, but I must admit reading your presentation of
- : facts from your side is intriguing and I continue to follow along on
- : your threads to expose the facts about Lightwave, etc.
- Still, as much as I, too, enjoy watching these "Pro's from Dover" stick
- it to each other, I still think it'd be great if Lee *alternated* actual
- tips with trash-talk, at least. I'm sure glad Mojo didn't stick around
- long enough to see how far this newsgroup has fallen ...
- Article: 14452
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: stevepugh@aol.com (Steve Pugh)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Hypernauts?
- Date: 7 Mar 1996 02:00:31 -0500
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 14
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4hm1if$20k@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4hldua$2uf@news1.inlink.com>
- Reply-To: stevepugh@aol.com (Steve Pugh)
- >>>I just read a post in another 3d graphics newsgroup about a new show
- called Hypernauts (I assume his spelling was correct) with the CG effects